Berlin Comic Exchange

Berlin Comics Exchange 2025

On February 8, 9 & 10, 2025 a three-day exchange takes place in Berlin. Five comic artists based in the Netherlands will travel to Berlin (Germany), and work on a collaborative comic zine together with five Berlin-based comic artists. It’s the first time Cross Comix is teaming up with Renate Comics Berlin.

The selected artists are:

Esther Samuels-Davis (@dirtyliketheweeds)
Yevheniia Zakharchuk (@mblschonok)
Maria Victoria Rodriguez (@mvictoria.rodriguez)
Anna Paßlick (@annailluco)
Erinc (@krgn)
Nova de Hoo (@hoonova)
Masha Zotova (@moominmasha)
Jolanda Dekker (@brolandaland)
Celestine Kronberger (@celsteeen)
Diede van Ommen (@diedestudio)

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